Consulting & Solutions for a performant and sustainable industry |
Lean |
A new state of mind |
Our movie: (in French)
Our tool of simulation of an U line (in French)
Lean Manufacturing is a way of thinking and acting every day. This approach results of Toyota's reflections who had, after the Second War, to manage structural problems of shortage. Lean is a continuous and global process of performance improvement.
The main goal of Lean Manufacturing is the improvement of operational efficiency of the whole production system by a just in time and just necessary approach.
By increasing operational efficiency, Lean permits to achieve manufacturing excellence: satisfy the customers, develop people and increase the profits.
Focusing on the strict customer need, Lean aims at a drastic simplification of operations. There are two distinct types of operations: Process and Transformation. Only operations of transformation creates Added Value. The Non Added Value operations have to be delete. These (or losses) can then be considered as potential benefits. It also talks .
Lean Manufacturing approach incorporates and acts on the four components of the performance of a structure: Organsisation, Management, Skills and Technique. Its principles apply to both industries and services.
To drive lasting change, five key elements must be achieved:
- a common, clear and defined vision
- motivation of all
- people and skills training
- availability of resources
- a detailed action plan.
Through the complementary expertise of its team, moventeam assists you in implementing a Lean approach and/or associated diferent methodologies:
> Kanban,
> TPM,
> Kaizen,
> Management visuel,
> TRS,
> 5 S,
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moventeam's approach |
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